Honda Motorcycles 2023. Global Sales At 18.5 Million

Honda MM4
Honda MM4

Honda Motorcycles Global Sales keep momentum. In 2023 global 2W sales were 18.5 million (+4.4%), the 4th highest level ever, confirming the absolute leadership in the industry.

McD tracks new vehicles registrations across the World (over 85 countries), reporting data on calendar year. When you wish to compare data reported by us to those declared by the manufacturers, consider they usually report their “sales” (vehicles invoiced), which are usually different from “registrations”, accordingly with their fiscal year split. 

Honda Global Sales Trend

Honda Motorcycles is the global leader in the 2-Wheeler industry (scooter + motorcycles, not considering powersport segment).

However, following the all time record posted in 2018, the only year with over 20 million global registrations the company was deeply hit by covid 19 effects with sample tumbled down at 15 million in 2020.

The recovery started in the following year reaching out 17 million and then in 2022 at 17.7 million.

In 2023 the growth has been very strong during the first half (+7.9%) thanks to the roaring season lived by ASEAN countries (Honda regional sales increased 21.8%), before to moderate in the second half.

However, global 2W sales in 2023 were 18.5 million (+4.4%), the 4th highest level ever.

However, third quarter sales declined 1.5%, due to the sales brake reported in ASEAN, with Year to Date September sales at 13.7 million (+4.6%), projecting the entire 2023 at the third highest sales volume of 16.9 million.

Honda is deeply depending by the ASEAN region, with Indonesia as the largest country in the World. In this area, Honda dominates and controls the market since decades. Regional sales in 2023 were up 7.1%.

The second most important area is the Indian (india, Bangladesh, Pakistan and others) counting 28% of global Honda sales. In this region sales lost 8.9% last year.

In the rest of the world, sales are growing in Latam (+10.9%), North America (+0.2%), Europe (+33.5%) and in Asia (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and others) +31.3%.