Latin America 2024. Motorcycles Market Increases For The 12th Year In A Row
Latin America Motorcycles Market is skyrocketing. In 2023 the growth continues, while with a more moderate speed, and sales grew up at 5.6 million (+4.6%), the 12th consecutive record in a row.
Ecuador 2024. Two-Wheeler Market Runs For New All-Time Record
Ecuador Motorcycles Market runs for a new record again. Year to Date 2024 sales have been 174.746 (+6.4%), slowing the pace after a strong first half (+8.4%). Marker leader is the Chinese Shineray followed by a long list of local manufacturers.
Zanella Motor. Argentine Oldest Motorcycles Motorcycles Is Recovering
Zanella Motor is a ancient Argentine brand. After to risk bankruptcy in 2020, it is recovering. In 2022 sales kept growing with 48.024 registrations (+19.1%), 90% made in Argentina and the rest in Uruguay.
Mexico 2024. Italika Pulls Motorcycles Market Up in The Sky
Mexico Motorcycles Market is on fire. Following years on growth, in 2024 sales boomed at 1.85 million (+20%) driven by Italika outstanding success (+37%. Now this is the 6th market in the World and one of the fastest growing!
Paraguay 2024. Motorcycles Market Up 26% After 4 Months
Paraguay Motorcycles Market is in a positive mood. Year to Date April figures at 24.901, up 26.3% The local manufacturer, Kenton, is by far market leader ahead of Taiga and Honda.