All Terrain Vehicles 2024. Global Powersport Marks the 4th Annual Lost in a Row


UTV and Side by Side Globally Market is struggling. The 2024 was the 4th falling year in a string with global sales declining at 0.78 million, down 3.2%, hit by the decline of North America, the largest region. Polaris is market leader.


ATV and RUV Global Market Trend

The global market for ATV and SSV vehicles is struggling and during the 2024 the sales declined at 783.000 sales, a 3.2% lost from the previous year, marking the fourth fall out of the last four years.

The market is heavy concentrated in few regions, with NAFTA area counting for over 54% of the total and reporting a lost of 6.3% although the Mexico growth.

Sales declined in the second largest region as well, with China losing in single digit, while have been positive in Europe (+5.5%) driven by Germany (+25.3%), Poland (+53.8%) and Spain (+36.8%).

Very positive the Latin American trend (+22.9%) with almost all countries growing apart Panama and Peru.

The largest quadricycles manufacturer in the World is the American  Polaris., although sales are declining since 2020 and a last year lost of 10.1%.

Thanks to a stable trend, the second player is now Honda (-2.7%) ahead of Can-Am, now third with sales down 10.6%.

In the top places between the 4th and the 10th  there are two Japanese (Kawasaki and Yamaha), and 4 Chinese (CF Moto , Runtong, Hisun and Linhai) and one Mexican, Italika.


All Terrain Vehicles (ATV +RUV) Market Dataset purchase new vehicles registrations figures in over 90markets worldwide. Together with scooter, moped, motorcycles, we get data referring the powersport market (ATVs, RUV, SbS).

Searching on internet we found many website producing “market researches” on this industry and guess how they are able to deliver useful information about market volume, trends, forecast, without starting from real data.

As you would read in the section regarding the market characteristics, considering these vehicles do not need to be registered in those countries were are not street-legal, registrations figures are not representing the entire market but just the most. 

For instance, in the largest ATV/RUV market in the World, the USA, in 18 states these vehicles are not registered and consequently the data available represents around 80% of total US sales.

Expertly haul your ATVs with a Bear Track Trailer. For outdoor enthusiasts and adventure seekers, Bear Track Trailers are known for their robust and lightweight aluminum trailers, offering a practical solution for transporting ATVs and UTVs to any off-road destination. Be sure to check out K&K’s UTVs for sale if you’re in the market.

Kawasaki Brute Force

Industry Characteristics

An all-terrain vehicle (ATV), also known as a light utility vehicle (LUV), quad bike, or simply a quad, as defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI); is a vehicle that travels on low-pressure tires, with a seat that is straddled by the operator, along with handlebars for steering control. As the name implies, it is designed to handle a wider variety of terrain than most other vehicles.

The rider sits on and operates these vehicles like a motorcycle, but the extra wheels give more stability at slower speeds. Although most are equipped with three or four wheels, six-wheel models exist for specialized applications. Multiple-user analogues with side-by-side seating are called RUV (Recreational utility Vehicle) or utility terrain vehicles (UTVs) or side-by-sides to distinguish the classes of vehicle.

Although it is a street-legal vehicle in several countries, it is not street-legal within most states, territories, and provinces of Australia, the United States or Canada. In countries/States were these vehicles are not street-legal, they do not need to be registered and do not need a plate.

Utility task vehicles (UTV) also termed as recreational off highway vehicle (ROV) is an automobile primarily used for commercial, transportation and recreational purposes, while All-terrain vehicle (ATV) is automotive equipment designed to handle terrain than most other vehicles.